Note: screening is sold in half-yard increments at $15 per yard. 57" Wide This is plastic screening with a philodendron print. It is 57 inches wide and very pretty in person. When I used it in My Mel’s Island Girl Bag, I thought of my sister-in-law Melodee, who like to take cruises and does a lot of sightseeing. The screening is light weight, does not need to be lined, sturdy, and will not lay hot against your body. I have made a beach bag with this as well. Wet suits and towels don’t hurt it, and the sand can be brushed off easily. The colors are very tropical and fun. In Mel’s bag, I put bright, colorful zippers on to make the bag even more fun. I use larger, leather-type needles in my sewing machine and a 90/14 in the serger. When I put any kind of pockets in, I use clear vinyl so there is no color distraction from behind… and for the beach bag it is more water resistant. For Mel’s bag it only took a 1/4 yard of screening.